AB Physio COVID-19 Plan

Posture and Therapeutic Yoga

The way you stand, sit and move are all interlinked, with postural foundation as the key.

Your postural habits are often be responsible for ongoing pain throughout the body.

Postural correction and retraining

Physiotherapy posture correction

Why should I stand tall?

Creating space in the body enables structures to move more efficiently without compromise. Poor posture can lead to joints, muscles and nerves all being overloaded. Habitual positions such as slumping can become ingrained, creating this as the default position of the body.  The aim is to retrain your posture, so the default position provides a better foundation.


How do I improve my posture?

Finding the right starting point and learning the interaction between postural muscle groups will help you achieve results faster. AB Physiotherapy clinicians are known for their practical approach to assist postural correction,finding a simple solution as small changes can have a big impact.

Physio corrected warrior two pose

Why should I sit less?

Prolonged sitting is the cause of many muscle imbalances in the body. Sitting increases the pressure on your lower back discs significantly, and this may  increase pain. So if you are sitting for long periods remember to Stand up, sit less and move more. Standing desks may be suitable for some period of the day.


Working Posture

Whether you are a tree lopper, truck driver,sportsperson or musician, your working posture can dictate your longevity in your workplace. You will learn how to manage your body, and minimise aggravation of musculoskeletal structures to prevent injury.

Postural Assessment and Retraining

Postural retraining may include:
– Postural taping techniques
– Education to understand postural awareness with simple cues
– Small postural correction techniques that are manageable throughout the day
– Practical and realistic exercise progressions


Breathing and Posture

Breathe better and live longer! In times of stress you may breath hold,raise your shoulders and lose the efficiency of your breathing pattern.

Learn some simple breathing exercises to help use your lungs and spine move effectively.

YOGA - A holistic way of life!

Yoga and Physiotherapy

While ‘hands on’ physiotherapy may be helpful to relieve symptoms; movement and exercise are essential following injury or with chronic pain. Therapeutic Yoga provides yoga sequences and poses that will focus on precision, without pushing beyond your readiness. Connecting postures, breathing techniques and mindful attitudes of Yoga enables a gentle physio yoga approach to help your body move better. The focus on breathing is the key area that can often be challenging in a community yoga class, so individual expert teaching will assist you to manage this. The goal is for you to safely attend a suitable community Yoga class or undertake your own regular home yoga practice. In your individual sessions you will learn

  1. How breathing can help you move better with mindful movement
  2. Fundamental elements of the posture
  3. The choice of modifications for poses to reduce injury risk
  4. How to find the balance between muscle length and strength
  5. Understanding the implications of fatigue in your practice
  6. Effective core control & get to know your pelvic floor muscles

With her extensive experience as a musculoskeletal physiotherapist and certified in therapeutic yoga, Aurelie will be able to provide the yoga physiotherapy difference no matter your age or physical ability .